Diet, Exercise, and Supplements: Weight Loss Tips for Hypothyroidism

Jeevam Health
4 min readFeb 22, 2023


Weight loss with hypothyroidism? Is this a sweet dream? No! It’s 100% reality for anyone willing to follow a few tips and tricks.

Before we get to the hypothyroidism weight loss tips, we need to find out why you have been gaining weight due to hypothyroidism.

  • Thyroid hormones control your metabolism rate.

More than 76% of people diagnosed with hypothyroidism report weight gain. It happens because low thyroid hormones mean a low metabolism rate. Your body cannot metabolize all the carbohydrates and burn the calories you consume. They get stored as fat.

  • Water Accumulation

Many people with hypothyroidism will experience puffiness in their faces. Low thyroid activity increases salt and water retention in the body. So a lot of the puffiness and weight gain is just water weight.

  • Insulin Resistance

Insulin controls how our body metabolizes glucose. With insulin resistance, the body can no longer utilize glucose properly, and most of it gets stored as fat. That also explains why weight gain is a huge problem among people with pre-diabetes.

  • Lack of Energy

Hypothyroidism makes a person feel lethargic and even depressed. It takes away the will and ability to exercise. Not enough exercise leads to fat accumulation and unwanted weight gain.

You may be gaining weight due to one or more of these causes.

How to reduce weight with hypothyroidism?

Once you know why you have been gaining weight, losing it may not be as challenging as it has been for you.

Here we will tell you all about –

Foods to Exclude from Your Hypothyroidism Diet

Foods to Include In Your Hypothyroidism Diet

Hypothyroidism Exercises and Yoga

Supplements for Hypothyroidism

Foods to Avoid for Hypothyroidism Weight loss

Gluten — Avoid any food that has gluten. Common sources include wheat (chapatti), bread, pasta, packaged cookies and salty snacks, and snacks or masalas containing hing (asafoetida). Gluten worsens hypothyroidism symptoms and contributes to weight gain.

Dairy — Lactose and dairy proteins do not help in weight loss since they increase the inflammation inside your body. You should always avoid dairy if you have Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (autoimmune hypothyroidism).

Sugar — avoid table sugar as much as possible. Avoid all kinds of cereals, snacks, and mithai that have added sugar. You need complex sugars, which you can find in fruits and vegetables. Avoiding unnecessary sugar can solve a huge chunk of your hypothyroidism weight gain problem.

Caffeine and Alcohol — both of them wash out the necessary vitamins and minerals from your system. They also remove the necessary medication and supplements you may be taking for hypothyroidism.

Foods to Include for Hypothyroidism Weight Loss

Nuts — include almonds, peanuts, walnuts, and brazil nuts. They are rich in selenium, zinc, omega-3 fatty acids, and micro-nutrients.

Fresh Fruits and Veggies — Do not throw out the fibers while juicing your fruit and veggies. Instead, make smoothies with whole fruits/vegetables. Eat cruciferous vegetables only when cooked properly.

Leafy Greens — Leafy vegetables like lettuce and spinach are excellent for thyroid health. They are rich sources of fiber. Make smoothies or boil them or cook them. They can help with constipation as well as weight loss.

Exercises for Hypothyroidism Weight Loss

  • Yoga
  • Walking
  • Jogging
  • Cycling
  • Swimming
  • Lifting (moderate) weights

Follow a versatile exercise regime to stimulate thyroid activity. Exercise according to your capability. Do not overstrain. Speak to your doctor and health expert for a tailored exercise routine that can help you lose weight.

Supplements for Hypothyroidism


Iodine helps your thyroid produce T3 and T4 hormones. Iodine deficiency causes hypothyroidism and subsequent weight gain.


Selenium has antioxidant properties that promote the metabolism of your thyroid hormones.


Zinc helps in the conversion of T4 into T3. It maintains the hormone levels and metabolism rate.

Vitamin B

Vitamin B plays a vital role in the regulation of thyroid hormones.

Vitamin D3 + K

Vitamin D3 regulates calcium metabolism. It also boosts immunity and prevents heart diseases. Vitamin K with Vit D3 supplements ensure good bone health and nourish the digestive system.

You will not need all supplements at the same time. Depending on your blood test reports, symptoms, weight gain, and metabolism, your thyroid expert doc will prescribe 1 or 2 supplements at a time.

Do I Need Hypothyroidism Medicines to Lose Weight?

Levothyroxine is commonly prescribed as hypothyroidism medicine. It is synthetic T4 that helps in the maintenance of proper metabolism rate.

Without proper supplements and the correct dose of thyroid medication, it is impossible to lose weight, no matter how much you exercise and follow a strict diet. Speak to a functional medicine doctor today to learn more about your thyroid health and hypothyroidism weight loss.



Jeevam Health
Jeevam Health

Written by Jeevam Health

Root cause approach to cure thyroid disease with holistic thyroid treatment in India.

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